Intermediate Level Sound Package Recommendation

This is Film Operations recommendation for an Intermediate Level Narrative Production.

This film would require a Sound Mixer to maintain levels and ensure clear dialogue, and it is highly recommended to have a Boom Operator for positioning the shotgun microphone, and allowing the Sound Mixer to focus on their job. It would be shot with dual system audio (camera synced with a sound field recorder in Post-Production). This package also includes a Lavalier Kit.

Please see the Narrative Modality Section for different add ons and alternatives. Make sure to ensure the add on or alternative products are eligible for the Intermediate Project Level by using the search tool or seeing the Additional Information section.

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Capsule Add-on:

This is for scenes being shot very far away, and it is ultra-directional. Note that the more directional means the higher likelihood of getting sound from behind you as well.

Shotgun Microphone Rain Protection:

Welcome to Florida, if you have rain on the horizon this tool is designed to protect your microphone, and not cause rain sounds to vibrate the mic.

Recorder Kit Controller:

If your mixer is doing multiple channels and can set up on a Sound Cart or Table. Consider getting the controller for adjusting individual channels quicker.

LAV Battery Kit Alternatives:

Adding multiple lav kits? Double your batteries!

LAV Microphone Upgrade:

This microphone allows you to control the microphones frequency response

Wireless Lavalier Alternatives:

Is your Sound Mixer inexperienced? Consider using an easier lav kit.

Additional information

Recommended Deparment Crew Size


Project Level Availability

Intermediate (BFA / DIS), Senior Capstone (BFA), Honors Undergraduate Thesis (HUT), Graduate Proof-of-Concept (MFA), Greenlit Graduate Thesis (MFA)

Estimated Load-Out Time

≈40 Minutes

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